kerry park

the top of the space needle while stopped at a traffic light

the postcard shot...

... again

... and again

just Mt. Rainier

it got 'dark' out

you can never have too many pictures from Kerry Park

I decided to get 'artistic'... next time I am going to use a tripod for these shots

frisbee - take one

you're welcome Jaydee



frisbee - take two

these are fun to look through while scrolling...

this is what Ivan Drago looks like playing frisbee

Mt. Persis summit

view from the top

Mt. Index

Joe at the top of Mt. Persis with some random peak behind him

Terry with a Rainier backdrop

the sun decided to 'show up' after we got back to the cars...i happened to convince my car to stop and let me take some more pictures... thanks to Jaime for being such a thoughtful driver

a look back at index

this time without trees

I noticed an interesting reflection off of Shadle when we got back to our apartment

like any true gear junkie, I had to try out my new stove to 'celebrate' the summit of Mt. Persis (I know I am pathetic)

first annual jean jam

Somewhere along the way we got the bright idea of skiing in jeans and flannel for our last day of the season... there was little debate about whether or not this was a good idea, but rather, what flannel to wear and how do we better spread the word of this. As it turned out, Steve wore flannel with a pair of carharts (which are jeans I think...they counted in my book), Shadle wore a Canadian tuxedo, Rachael and Sean both sported jeans with flannel and Micah came in regular boarding apparel (which actually looked worse than jeans/flannel) so we made him wear a poncho to compensate for his lack of enthusaim.

For whatever reason, I decided to pull out a wild card. I dug out my charcoal colored wool suit, complete with tacky tie, and suited up...literally. The only thing that remained was some BRIGHT orange boots. The entire ensemble looked absolutely ridiculous. This day was going to kick ass!

picture pit stop for Mt. Index (left) and Mt. Persis (right)

I was gettin fancy with my pictures

oh my god, there it's beautiful

shadle was showing us how to ski

gettin some hang time

look ma, no hand(s)

this outfit got three comments...and lots of looks
1. aren't you late for your job
2. which way to the wedding
3. woah! my friends weren't kidding, there is a guy in a suit

and just when it looked like the awesomeness of the day had passed, I caught up with this dude

after the lifts had closed we found out that the the road was shut down due to an shadle resorted to sour cream to pass the time