So, rather than going to meet up with people to go Square Dancing in Ballard at the end of my new favorite movie (no joke x5), I decide to go and have, LITERALLY, a photo shoot with:
a bumble bee
a head lamp
a few flashlights
socks (white, or course)
Now that I have fulfilled my destiny of truly being a "typical" Seattle yuppie (in the fact that I missed a call from the girlfriend and ignored the remainder of my friends all for a stupid insect... WHILE rocking mandals, I just HAD to then go and blog about it so that the world can see for itself how pathetic I am. The following is the result or my "Bee Whispering" session. Enjoy.

after all was said and done, I only got two decent shots... not exactly what I wanted in terms of picture quality, framing, focus and exposure, but hey... not too shabby for hand held flashlight in the left hand and an SLR in the right while it was actually completely dark outside... a tripod has now been accelerated to the top of my wish list (only second to a new floor for the truck cab)
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