It's been a while since I have had some time to actually type up some commentary to my postings... since it appears that I have at least 15 minutes before I board my Seattle flight, I may as well attempt to label some of the pictures and provide some sort of description to my recent adventures...

2010 has already started out better than expected... around 1:00am MST on January 1st, I decided that I should probably hit the hay. We had big plans for the sunlight hours, thus I wanted to be well rested. At the time, we (Reed, Matthew and Drew) had yet to decide the day's activities. Around 7:00am, Reed and I debated what we should do... ski, tour Salt Lake, bop around Salt Lake, drive to Bryce Canyon, drive to Zion, drive to Craters of the moon, drive to Arches, etc. After easily a half hour deliberation, Arches National Park won the debate. Unfortunately, Matthew and Drew couldn't join us, as they both had other commitments, i.e. work.

Reed and I were now on our way to bringin in the new year southern Utah style:

Unknown mountain off of US route 6... I should note that I was not actually standing in the highway when I took this, but was rather sitting shotgun in Reed's car at about 80mph!

This rock formation is right at the entrance of the park, we probably spent 5 minutes just sitting in the middle of the road starring at it... I quickly learned that the red rock of southern Utah is beautiful

A view of the high plateau while driving through the first few miles of the park... Reed was having a difficult time not taking advantage of the entire road rally car style. He was excited... I was excited that he was excited. And making the whole situation even better, the clouds were just starting to break around us... 'consistent' blue sky was finally sighted!

Our first stop was at the lower lookout for the Delicate Arch... no sooner than we parked the car, the clouds rolled back in... regardless, this ridge line provided for some dramatic scenery.

A bit closer view of the Delicate Arch

The next stop was at the Fiery Furnace Viewpoint... this is a look across the valley

Some more Fiery Furnace

A look uphill instead of across the valley

Nate's look at the sun through the Tunnel Arch

Reed's look at the sun through the Tunnel Arch

A look up at the impressive Landscape Arch

Some rock formations and cloud wisps on the Landscape Arch trail... the breaking clouds and setting sun made for some excellent backdrops to compliment the amazing foreground

A look at the Skyline Arch from the trail leading to its base

more rock formations

the Broken Arch

Me in the middle of the Broken Arch

I decided to dance in the Broken Arch... it was not a normal dance

First day of the year is a success!

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