step 8 - airplanes

No cross country trip with the purpose of going to work for an aerospace company would be complete without mentioning at least one airplane. I am going to show you two.

While driving back to the hotel from Rushmore and Crazy Horse, I happened to notice a crazy looking bird in the distance. I actually thought it was a bird soaring, not a plane. While trying to figure out what it was, it dawned on me that the main B2 air force base (McEllis i think) is somewhere near Rapid City. Sure enough, a B2 flies right over the front of my car. Amazing. Unfortunately, no one else noticed this until too late, as this thing was really tough to find in the sky. I also had the only camera out, Combined with the fact that I was the only one with a camera, was the only one that could find the plane in the sky, and I was driving the car (how I noticed it in the first place still amazes me), my pictures are a bit lacking. The one 'good' one I got of the B2 in flight is below.

Its a bird, its a plane, its... no actually, it really is a plane.

As if that wasn't enough, when we pulled into the hotel parking lot, we heard the spooling of a low-bypass engine (hello fighter jet). Instead of a fighter, a B1 takes off right across the road from us, circles over head, then lands. Quite the expirence. This day was awesome...the Badlands, Rushmore, Crazy Horse, and two rarely seen bombers.

The B1 flying overhead.

The B1 on its final approach.

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