stop 1 - niagara falls

Okay... so... I have driven the country four times (twice east to west, twice west to east). Each time I have done a trip I have had a different group of people with me, thus I have stopped at most of the places you are soon to see a grand total of four times. With that said, rather that post pictures in a chronological order and have a great deal of redundancy, I have just selected some of the better pictures of these four journeys to upload for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!

Stop one: Niagara Falls

this is the generic "i went to niagara falls and was too lazy to walk to canada, so i took the picture from the states even though the view isn't as nice" shot

this was taken from the US/Canada bridge that spans the gorge...I am pretty much in the middle of the bridge, exactly half way to freedom, i think... either way I am really close to ketchup potato chips and I am happy

getting even closer to those crazy canadian chips....mmmmmm!

i made it to the boat, aka the maid of the cyst... wearing nothing except a leather banana hammock and the light blue poncho that you get when you buy your admission ticket... have i mentioned that I LOVE canada, eh!

I've been on the boat for about an hour, I have consumed 4 bags of ketchup potato chips and chased it with some french fries and gravy... man, the maple leaf lovers sure do enjoy messing with potatoes. The down side of all this is the fact that I puked off the aft of the boat and freaked a few tourists out (actually, I guess that isn't really a down side). I'm ready to get back on the road... Chicago here I come!

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